I made a decision a long time ago that I would nurse my babies. I knew it would be a lot of work that no one could help me with, but in my mind the benefits outweighed any of the hardships.
Turns out I’m one of the lucky few who have little difficulty. Cam liked to eat, and had no trouble figuring it out.
Cut to going back to work, and needing to pump during working hours. Not fun, but also not a huge deal. I needed somewhere to go in order to pump since I am not in an office. Good for me–there are rooms set up at Nestlé just for nursing moms. Bad for me–none are located in my building. In the beginning I walked over to another building everyday, a couple of times a day, but the walk took even more time away from my desk.
The head administrative coordinator told me it would be okay to use an unoccupied office as long as I put a note on the door. So that’s what I did, and it worked great. It was no secret what I was doing in there, but people left me alone.
Then today, in the middle of a “session,” there was a knock. I responded with a “Don’t come in here!” Door opens. I yell “NO NO NO NO NO NO!” Door closes.
Well, I’m sure he is much more embarrassed than I am. Now about that raise…