
and with five months brings…

This weekend Cam decided to roll around. But instead of doing it the “normal” way, rolling from front to back first, he decided it would be more fun to roll from back to front. Of course, I wouldn’t call his actions purposeful. He reaches for toys that are just out of reach, uses his back foot to push him towards the toy and suddenly finds himself on his belly. It’s all very shocking to the little man.

He also realized he can fluctuate the tone of his voice and decided that loud is best. If what he can do now is any indication of what’s to come, you’ll hear his part of any conversation three houses down. But for the time being, it’s quite entertaining.

And lastly, he is attempting to blow raspberries. He studies us when we make them and then works on doing them himself. This has been our favorite new discovery of his.

Today he turned five months! Can’t wait to see what another month will bring.


giggle butt

Cam has been laughing more and more, and it’s music to his mommy’s ears. Enjoy!


trials of a working mother

I made a decision a long time ago that I would nurse my babies. I knew it would be a lot of work that no one could help me with, but in my mind the benefits outweighed any of the hardships.

Turns out I’m one of the lucky few who have little difficulty. Cam liked to eat, and had no trouble figuring it out.

Cut to going back to work, and needing to pump during working hours. Not fun, but also not a huge deal. I needed somewhere to go in order to pump since I am not in an office. Good for me–there are rooms set up at Nestlé just for nursing moms. Bad for me–none are located in my building. In the beginning I walked over to another building everyday, a couple of times a day, but the walk took even more time away from my desk.

The head administrative coordinator told me it would be okay to use an unoccupied office as long as I put a note on the door. So that’s what I did, and it worked great. It was no secret what I was doing in there, but people left me alone.

Then today, in the middle of a “session,” there was a knock. I responded with a “Don’t come in here!” Door opens. I yell “NO NO NO NO NO NO!” Door closes.

Well, I’m sure he is much more embarrassed than I am. Now about that raise…


tessa teaches cam to talk

Older kids are very wise. Cam watches the other children in daycare with him, mesmerized by all they can do. I’m sure they are teaching him useful things, such as running, jumping, throwing and asking for more cookies.

Today Katrina dropped by with her daughter Tessa, who is just over 8 months. Look at what she had to teach him!

Cam was playing hard to get, as if he’s not interested in this beautiful older woman. Or he was just being smart and letting the lady talk.

The kid learns fast.


who trick'or'treats with a 4 month old?

It’s always been a pet-peeve of mine when I answer my door on Halloween only to find a parent holding a bag open wanting candy “for the baby.” Right…your twelve pound child can’t wait to score a full-size Snickers bar. Two Tootsie Rolls for you.

So we celebrated Halloween by going to the Blues game. Much like we celebrate 41 other nights during the year (more if we make it to the playoffs). Thankfully, Cam does really well at the games. He tends to watch everyone around us, and the jumbotron. At some point, he wants to eat (I’m sure it’s rare for women to nurse at hockey games, but if the kid has to eat I have no problem feeding him in public) and then conks out for awhile. Our hope is he gets used to game nights now, so he will behave well in the future. And if he doesn’t share our love of hockey, Chris will wonder where he came from.

Especially if he ends up a baseball fan…