We’ve been very fortunate in our home to avoid most of the germs that have affected everyone around us. The sitter, all the kids she watches and their parents all fell ill with the stomach flu one weekend and we managed to dodge that bullet and remain healthy. The only time we visited the pediatrician's office were for checkups and the dreaded vaccinations – until his seven month birthday.
After a sleepless night and day (honestly, the kid slept a total of 3 hours from 2 a.m. until 5 p.m. the next day) we brought him in. He never ran a fever, no crankiness and still had an appetite but it’s not like Cam to go that long without sleep. Off to the pediatrician who confirmed our fears – his left ear had an infection.
In the scheme of things, it’s minor and antibiotics should clear it right up. The eardrops for pain are not his favorite thing but I have mastered the art of dispensing them at 4 a.m. in the dark without waking him up. His sleep is fitful, but he is taking his sore ear like a champ. Now if we could get back to sleeping through the night all would be well in the world of Cam.
Which leads me to the other “kid” in the house, Pip. Back in July he had a growth removed from a paw which ended up being a benign tumor (the photo was taken after the last surgery). After surgery he developed a second one closer to his pad which cannot be ignored any longer. He is scheduled for surgery on the 4th and my job will be to keep his wound dry during the wet winter months. Lucky for him, he can go to work and get 24 hour care supplemented with a ton of treats.
Besides my own household, I have many family members who could use any healing thoughts you can send their way. My grandmother is fighting pneumonia and gearing up for a heart valve replacement surgery in South Carolina. My nephew Noah is fighting his sixth (!) ear infection. And Cam’s second cousin Xander is recovering from RSV.
I am one mom who has had enough medical drama lately.