
what to eat?

Now that Cam is an established eater, he has become a bottomless pit. Chris and I have to keep the supply of baby food available at all times, and a variety of options to keep things interesting. 

So far carrots, peas, green beans, apples, pears, chicken, squash (butternut and acorn), zucchini, and sweet potatoes all became food in our Beaba Babycook we got for Christmas. Not a kitchen tool that is necessary to make baby food, but it does make it very easy. We freeze portions in an ice cube tray and pull out something different for every meal. Now I’m leaving pieces in the mix without puréeing them and he compacts them with his rock-hard gums. 

No teeth yet, but I hope they come soon. He has food to enjoy and no teeth to enjoy them with.


the new normal

Every new parent I know always says “Having a baby won’t change us!” Everyone wants to keep the social life and habits they had before their little bundle shows up. I won’t deny that Chris and I weren’t different than everyone else.

At a St. Louis Blues game in November

We took Cam to Blues hockey games because neither of us wanted to give them up. And in all seriousness, he did really well while we were there. But I wasn’t able to watch much of the game and the next day he could be overtired and irritable. Which lead to a big parental lesson for Chris and I.

Sometimes not changing your life after having a kid is a lot more work than changing it. And maybe a little bit selfish. Chris is still going to the games without us, and I’m okay with that. Having Cam has changed us some, but we’re not complete recluses either. Sometimes we schedule around naps; other times we don’t and he is often a trooper.

Either way, the little changes we made are not a big deal. We’re content with the new happy medium we are now living. He’s worth it.

poor Pip

Stitches on his shoulder, belly and rear paw.
Waiting to hear back on all the biopsy results.
In the meantime, I have to wrap his paw in plastic every time he needs to go outside.
(Stupid wet winter.)
Keep thinking good thoughts!


clap your hands!

The sounds of clapping has filled our home. We clap after Cameron accomplishes something new (like finally eating). We clap after finishing a song. We clap to encourage him to roll over. All of this clapping has started to catch on, and Cam decided to clap along.

Chris always laughs and asks him if he’s doing the hambone. He loves clapping when we’re getting ready for bath time, his favorite part of the evening!

We’ll work on horizontal clapping next.


big boy hat

picture day with the big boy!
we played with daddy’s hat, and drooled everywhere. 
but still no teeth.


I love bathtime!

Please don’t look at my naughty bits.

That would be silly.

Just like me!

Still trying to channel Rodney Dangerfield.

I want YOU…

to be my valentine!


hyper baby

We had a very quiet weekend and Cam started feeling better. One of his “tells” is how hyper he gets before his bath. He lays down as we disrobe him and starts giggling and slamming his feet into the mattress.

He is also learning a new trick. We have to help him out some, but it makes for a good laugh. However, raspberries is still his favorite trick to perform.