Chris was a concert junkie as a teen. And with that came many concert tees. After many wears and washes, they were tucked away into a rubbermaid bin and forgotten about. When Chris started talking about making the basement into a hockey haven, I thought it would be a perfect chance to pull those t-shirts out of storage and create a quilt with them. The original plan was to make a queen size for a guest bed, but when Chris changed the layout of the basement we decided on two throws.
This was Christmas of 2009, when I found directions and got to work. But soon, life got in the way. We were soon preoccupied with bathroom renovations, preparing a nursery, preparing US for a baby, and on and on. Meanwhile, the t-shirts sat underneath a guest bed waiting for me to revisit them.
Lately I have found the time and motivation to continue with my quilting quest. I recently finished ironing the fusable interfacing on the back of the 36(!) selected shirts. Now, onto trimming and picking out the denim material I want to use for sashing and the border. To be continued…and finished.