With the speed of my little boy growing up, I feel like I need to document some of my favorite things he does that make me giggle every single time.
- With fall comes long sleeves and Cam is a fan. When we put on a new shirt, I ask where his hand is and he pushes it through by raising his hands way above his head until his hand pops out. And his face is full of accomplishment when it happens!
- When you ask Cam to say puppy or point out a puppy, he will say puppy and immediately scrunch up his face and make a panting noise. It’s his puppy impression.
- Cam thinks he’s sneaky. He will try to put his cup in his lap, and when I tell him it belongs on the table he’ll slowly bring it back up all while watching my reaction. Then he’ll slowly bring it back down to his lap with a big grin. Never-ending fun!
- Light switches are FASCINATING!
- So are any buttons that make noises when pressed. We learned how to lock laundry machines, fridge water dispensers and dish washers quickly.
- Cam loves his woobie. He starts shouting for it when it comes into view. Not that it’s the cleanest thing in the house since he enjoys walking around with it hanging from his mouth. Yummy woobie!
- When I get home from work, it’s treat time for Pip. Now when I walk in the back door Cam and Pip both run to the jar and beg. Pip stands on his hind legs staring at it, and Cam points and shouts for it. I always give it to Cam to give to Pip. When Pip takes it to the other room, Cam chases after him to watch him eat it.
- He knows how to wake up my iPhone and starts hitting every single button to get it to do something.
There’s so much more, but this is a start!