It’s been a crazy month in the Shatto household. The holidays always bring more obligations and tasks than the rest of the year. Most of them are fun, but it does cut into the downtime I have to blog.
Cam caught the roseola virus in mid-November. Honestly, we’re very lucky since this was his first major illness. But with the virus came four days of a fever between 102 and 104º which wasn’t very responsive to fever reducers. It also brought wakeful nights and fatigued days. But we got through it, and now everyone is healthy and happy.
While Cam’s vocabulary is growing, it’s not his first instinct to use them when he wants something. We often remind him to use his words. I’ve been trying to compile a mental list of the words he uses, and I’m sure I will forget some, but here is a good start: Dada, Mama, hot, up, down, cup, eat, hi, bye, waffle, apple, baby, puppy, Jackson, pizza, muffin and juice. There’s a ton more, but my tired brain cannot remember any.
Finally, ‘tis the season to put up decorations that are awfully intriguing to little boys. We weren’t sure how Cam would react to a tree full of ornaments well within reach but we hung the “unbreakables” at the bottom just in case. Cam was struck with wonder at the sight of the tree, but we asked him not to touch. He interpreted our request to mean that the tree was hot and stayed away. He since has been allowed to touch but not grab, and has been great leaving everything alone. We’re very excited to open gifts this year, now that he is more aware.
More later, but here’s a preview of our beautiful tree!