
best news ever

For 508 days, my husband tirelessly searched for a job. Everyday he sat at the computer scanning job sites and networked with anyone either of us could think of. He sent out cold call emails to any agency he could find along with links to his amazing portfolio. He also took freelance jobs when they came around helping keep us afloat. When we couldn’t afford full-time daycare, Chris became a part-time stay-at-home dad and became a better father for it.

Through this period of time, he was never negative. He never took any frustration out on me or anyone else. He calmed me down when I stressed about bills. But mainly, he made finding a job his new job and took it very seriously.

I’m incredibly happy to say that all of his hard work paid off. Chris is now the newest employee of Obata, and he’s very excited to share his talents with them.

So congratulations to Chris. You are full of talent and I knew it was only a matter of time before the right person at the right time recognized it. (Although they sure took their time, didn’t they!)

Thank you to all of our family and friends for being a source of support to us. Many of you provided smiles and laughs or a shoulder to cry on (for me) when needed. Others called upon him when they needed freelance help. All of it was greatly appreciated by both Chris and I.

And thank you, President Obama, for extending unemployment allowing Chris to continue looking for the right job and keeping our family afloat. Consider Chris to be a success story for what unemployment can do for a citizen and a family.


tub bubbles

Cam has blown bubbles in the tub before, but tonight it was HILARIOUS.

I think he gets the giggling at himself from his father.


leaves make a boy go whoa

We had a gorgeous weekend in St. Louis, and we took full advantage of it. We ran up and down the street, splashed in puddles and found a pile of leaves to throw around.

Simple pleasures…

master of disguise

Can you spot the Cameron?


bucket of fun

Another favorite gift of Cam’s was a giant Mr. Potato Head that cam with four potatoes and a ton of accessories inside of it. 

Check out some of his creations!

 It’s also a huge hit with his parents.
Cowboy Bob
Mr. Mystero
Keith Richards
Dark Helmet
Potato Crime Scene


abc…sing with me!

Still stumbling over a couple of letters, but saying the alphabet is AWESOME!