Hi there, long time no see!
I’ve slacked on blogging for a little while as we adjusted to a new routine, new daycare and new germs. But I’m happy to say that we adjusted like pros.
After touring Purina’s daycare awhile ago, we knew we wanted to move Cam there once an opportunity arose. When Chris accepted his job things fell into place and Cam started there right away. After a couple weeks of tearing up at drop offs he now gets excited to go to “school.” I’m sure it helps that they are serving breakfast at drop off, and Cam loves his second breakfast. (He might be part Hobbit.)
Of course, with a new daycare comes new germs and Cam got hit hard that first week. A nasty virus came home with him which he soon passed around to Chris and I, mutating each time. After a new drug, Cam is happily on the mend and back to his usual cheerful, talkative self.
Superman shouldn’t get sick |
So that’s our update. We’re excited for spring and all the outside time that comes with it! Maybe we can play real hide-n-seek.