
birthday at daycare

As a responsible parent, it’s your job to bring sugar to school on your child’s birthday to share with all the kids. It’s a tradition passed through generations, and if you skip it you might as well be the house that passes out toothbrushes on Halloween.

Good times in the Garden Room!

birthday boy turns 2!

My little boy is now 2!!! We celebrated with friends and family with some finger paint…


outside play…






and fun!!!!

Yup, that's a scraped up nose on my boy. Moments before the party Pip took Cam for a walk. Unfortunately the walk ended up with a horizontal Cam. Oops.


1…2…3…4…what did you say?

We love to hear Cam count. See if you can catch why.

No idea how you get a "ck" sound from five, but I think it’s hilarious.


there is nothing cuter

than a sleeping babe

Happy Father's Day to my husband, my father and all the other dads out there!


been caught reading

Reading is still a favorite pastime in our home, and like any toddler Cam likes to pick out a book and read it several times in a row. He picks up on the words, and then goes off to read the book himself. 

Of course, he turns into a little ham after finishing the book. :) That’s my giggly boy.



Cam gives very sweet kisses. Often open mouth, and usually with some tongue, but very sweet in his toddler way. Recently he just realized he's not the only one who gives sloppy kisses in the house.

This new game means there’s a whole lotta kissing going on in this house.


what we learned from Pip

Pip is a great dog. He’s calm, snugly and very quiet around the house. That is, unless you ring our doorbell. Then he runs to the door and barks until the door is opened. Cam noticed and caught on quick.

So now I have two little ones in the house who make sure we heard the doorbell.


giggling after nap time means trouble

I heard Cam giggling after a nap so I went to see what he was doing. Turns out, Pip was hanging out by his crib and Cam found it entertaining to drop everything into his crib on top of him. 

Here is the scene I came upon.

Good thing Pip has a lot of patience.


Greenville and Grandparents

After a nice visit with my Guess girls, we headed to Greenville, South Carolina to visit with my grandparents. They took us to their downtown area, which had a very nice park and a bridge overlooking all of it.

My cute Grandparents

Cam fed ducks for the first time…

sometimes throwing bread in the wrong direction. Guess he got them confused thinking they would fetch like Pip (sometimes).

Thanks for letting us play and stay with you!