Last Friday Cam’s school went to Eckert’s for a field trip and I was able to tag along.

He was a little nervous on the bus ride at first, but a little Wheels on the Bus made the trip okay.
He wasn’t so interested in the picking part as he was in the eating part. But he did carry around his own bag of HIS apples.
He was happy to spend the day with all his buddies.
Petting and feeding the animals was also a hit.
A certain camel took a liking to Cam.
The bus ride back to school went a lot better than the ride there. Cam and Arya both told me they weren’t ticklish. I found out they were wrong.
I don’t think I’ve picked apples since I was a Girl Scout. It was fun to share that experience with my little one (and a bunch of other little ones.)
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