We welcomed our newest member of our family, Caiden Patrick, over three weeks ago but it has taken me this long to feel “normal” enough to post photos and describe the day.
Most have heard the story of how Caiden decided to enter this world, but here’s a recap for those who haven’t. My original due date was July 4, but since he was breech for over two months I knew I would be having another c-section. (Caiden claimed the exact same spot Cameron took residence in three years ago.) We scheduled for July 5 in order to separate birthdays (Cam was born on June 25).
That was the idea anyway, but I knew in the end it really wasn’t up to me.
On Friday, June 22 I started having early labor pains. I was already dilating and feeling nauseous. I continued to have labor pains over the weekend, but nothing consistant or worth worrying over. On Monday, June 25 (Cameron’s birthday) I had my normal OB appointment where they saw I progressed in dilation, but Caiden was still breech. My OB said I would not make it to July 5, so we rescheduled for June 27. I had a nice lunch with friends that day (where I laughed VERY hard) and got through Cam’s birthday that night.
I woke up at midnight with stronger labor pains, and started timing them. Chris was ready to go to the hospital right away, but I waited for more consistency. After a 2 a.m. phone call to my mom and the OB, we called a neighbor over to hang out while Cam slept and off we went to the hospital.
My parents met us there, and Chris’s father arrived soon after. I was admitted and soon we were in the OR for another c-section. When my OB opened me up, I heard an “Oh my!”, for she discovered Caiden had flipped around at the last minute and was head down. Little stinker. Again, this little man wanted me to know that he was in charge and would be calling the shots from here on out.
Could I have gone through labor? I’m sure I could have. But really, I ended up okay and so did my handsome little man, priorities one and two.
So with all that said, we are adjusting very well to being a family of five (Pip included). Cameron is a great big brother, and has really been patient and excited to have a baby in the house. My recovery has taken a little longer than the first time, but I’m better every day. Caiden is a little snuggler who LOVES to eat. Fun times in the Shatto house!
Without further ado, here are some photos showing Caiden’s first day.

Proud Grandpas, and proud Grandma helping with footprints and Caiden’s first bath.
Cameron meets his new brother for the first time.
Amazing how easy it is to fall in love...
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