Christmas means lots of activities, and tired kids. Sometimes it’s a bit overwhelming.

But only to some.
Once we figured out what opening gifts meant, we came around. And then we enjoyed celebrating the holidays with Grandpa Shatto and Jan.
Then the big day came around, and Cameron was VERY excited to see what Santa left behind.
I had to quickly get a shot of the tree, before Cameron handed out gifts.
By their expressions, I believe Santa did an okay job again.
Two of the favorite gifts of the day were a Blues Oshie jersey for Cam, and a broom for Caiden. (I seriously cannot sweep without “help” in this house.)
Caiden also liked his big brother’s toys.
It must have been a good day, judging by the aftermath.
We got a little bit of playtime in before journeying over to Gram and Poppy’s house. There we opened up more gifts that Santa dropped off. Gift opening was a blur, but we were all very lucky and thankful for the gifts and the time we shared together.
Aunt Becca enjoyed some puppy time with Lisi, but everyone was so worn out that Cam suggested that they “sleep.”
It was fun visiting with family and enjoying what the holidays mean when you have kiddos. Hope everyone else enjoyed the season too!