
birthday boys

The end of June is a crazed, fun-filled time in our house. As much as I tried/wanted to separate birthdays, Caiden thought it would be fun to share Cameron’s birthday. I was stubborn enough to make him wait until the following day.

This year the boys turned five and two! And we had many celebrations. The first, Cameron’s birthday at home. He was recovering from a fever, so it was low key. But I think he still had a good night.
As you can see, we have entered the era of Legos.

Next up, birthday celebration at school. We celebrated with Caiden’s classmates first, with Cam joining in the fun. Then big boy Caid went to Cam’s class for more cookie cake. He thought he was the coolest kid at the table, cracking jokes and laughing at them. Too cute.
That night, MORE dessert to celebrate Caid’s birthday!
All that celebration in two days, and we weren’t done yet. Cam’s friend birthday party was Saturday, and then we had a family gathering on Sunday. Where Caiden’s favorite gift was his Scooby Doo musical card.
 I decided to pull out all the desserts we had stockpiled in our house instead of making something new. The boys didn’t seem to mind, and we enjoyed celebrating with family.

Now to recover to do it all over again next June!

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