

Yes, it has been over a month.
Yes, I am very delayed.
But…better late than never?

We spent time on Hilton Head Island with a large family group in June, and I think we all enjoyed ourselves. Everything from sand castles, crafts, loving on a newborn, puzzles, games, cousin love, and lots and LOTS of beach. The boys both loved the ocean, and I was able to completely unwind – a feeling I welcomed!

Here is a smattering of photos of our beach adventure!

Baby Avery – she was mine for the week
Cam LOVES his Hannah!

Steven was on a mission this week to build a massive sandcastle.
Craft night!
Cam and Steve – our Beach Shuttle Friend!
EVERYONE loved Avery!
 The crew. Some of my favorite people. And who can believe that we’re family?

Time to do it again!

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