
what a difference

9 months make!

Happy 3/4 Birthday Cam!


let’s go BLUES!

I like to watch hockey with my Mom and Dad.
Ha ha! Silly Blackhawks fan.
Yes, I’m talking to you!
Gloves are dropped, let’s go!
Oops, lost my skates.
Come by and watch a game with us anytime!


hippo hat

Cam has almost outgrown my favorite hat, so we needed to do a photo shoot to capture him in it.

Goodbye hippo hat. We will miss you.

going for a walk

The sun came out so I bundled Cam up and we went for a walk.
First, Pip and him decided who should lead.

Pip won that argument.

Cam isn’t as entertained by his new jester fleece bunting, but I love it!


We’re undecided.


dance party!

dance party gif

Woop! Woop!