
week 17

Posing with my ham.


changes for a big boy

We’ve had a couple of big changes in our home lately and Cam has handled both like a champ.
#1-Potty Training!
I won’t go into gross detail except to say he has done SO much better than I expected–maybe I was preparing myself for the worse. I was ready to give up on the second day when he developed 102.5º fever, but when he woke up on the third day fever-free and asked for his big boy pants, we continued on. When he returned to school his teachers were AMAZING at helping him and he was dry through his naps immediately (they were braver than I). We even conquered using a public toilet and using it for all output! (That’s the nicest way I can figure to say it, I promised no detail.)

#2-Big Boy Bed!
Cam was so excited to set up his big boy bed with Daddy, and more excited by his new night light. He stays in his bed until we come to get him after sleeping, and I’m assuming it’s because he needs to stay on his cot at school until his teachers say it’s okay to get up. I know it won’t last forever, but I’ll take it while it lasts! We let him pick out his own sheets, and he loves to drive his cars around his Cars sheets. I’m pleased that he also sleeps on them.


It’s hard to believe Cam has reached two new milestones, and harder to believe he is 2 1/2 years old. But it’s been a fun adventure the whole way.


looking back

Now that my belly is growing, I thought it would be fun to look back and see what I looked like last time. Remember my weekly shots?


Well it’s super funny as an animated gif. Starts at 15 weeks and grows!
I’m larger at 16 weeks than I was the first time, but maybe things will slow down for a bit.


here we grow

It’s time for the belly photos and we’re starting with two!

Yup, 16 weeks as of today. Summer will be here before we know it.


energizer bunny

I continue to be amazed at the energy level a toddler can have. The other day, when I picked Cam up from daycare, he was running laps around the playground. It started with him being chased by girls, but he enjoyed it so much he did another 4 laps after I arrived and only stopped because I started walking to the door to leave. 

Then we get home and it’s time to play. 

We played hockey for over an hour, with him running non-stop.

Someone tell me how to bottle this up.