
weeks 29 & 30

These weeks are more about Cam’s smile than my belly. He’s honing his performing skills for use in front of cameras.

Week 29 was definitely chosen for Cam’s smile, not mine. Is this what they mean by making sacrifices for your child?

And for the sake of comparison, here is week 30 with Pumpkin/Cameron.

Pretty similar, but the overwhelming guess is Cam will soon have a baby sister. In ten weeks!!!


easter fun

Cam learned about Easter at school and could not wait for the Easter Bunny to come visit him at home. In preparation, we dyed eggs with my cousin Nichole and her husband Steven during their visit.

We had to work on not splashing, but were very excited by all the colors.

Our Easter Bunny dropped off his basket in the morning, and returned later to hide eggs. He was very nice and considerate that way.

Pip was interested in the eggs too. Maybe it was the chocolate smell?

Notice the PJs? Cam wasn’t feeling too well on Easter, so we stayed in our jammies all day. He prefers it that way, since getting dressed interrupts at least five minutes of play and sometimes little boys don’t have time for interruptions. Especially on holidays that involve gifts.


week 28 (almost 29) ultrasound

Got to visit our little Firecracker again today. Still growing and looking good!


weeks 27 & 28

Guess this is turning into a biweekly posting. We’re getting the photos done on time, but I am failing on posting. I am full of excuses for missing last week too, and I’ll let you decide if I’m excused. Something like out-of-town visitors (whom I loved having!), a hospital visit for me and a hospital visit for Cam. But everyone is okay and my belly continues to grow!

Look at that, I wore the same outfit. Guess who is going to be so sick of her wardrobe soon?


at least someone is excited about mowing

Spring has arrived in Saint Louis, which means pulling out the mowers weekly to trim the grass. Luckily, we have two lawn mowers with very capable boys to do the work.

Except that one of them got a bit tired and decided to goof off instead. 

He’s my cutie.


artwork from 2011

A smattering of Cam’s artwork from 2011. I scanned them in as an easier way to keep it all, and thought I would post them for fun. Cam’s school is great about coming up with unique ways to draw and paint that corresponds with the theme of the week, giving us a variety!