
pet parade!

We had our yearly Halloween Pet Parade at work. Cam participated too, but he wasn’t too sure about his costume. He put it on, then took it off, then wanted it back on before removing it for a final time. We’ll see how Halloween night goes, but at age 2 it won’t be a big deal if we don’t trick-or-treat. So he paraded without it. Pip tolerated his costume and was a hit! It’s been my favorite costume of his yet.

Cam’s friend from daycare paraded next to us and made such a cute Robin. 

And here’s the whole clan!

Debbie knows how to put on a party! Thanks to her this event is so much fun every year.


too cold for the pool

which is probably why Cam decided to go for a swim during tubby time.

and we’re still enjoying making bubbles.
from both ends.

pumpkin patch with the pumpkin

 On a beautiful Sunday we went to Rombach’s farm to pick out our pumpkin. Cam was very excited to get going right away.

They all had a great orange color, and there were a ton of large ones to sit and pose on.

 But it was hard to keep the boys’ attention when the tractor drove by.

But once we figured out pumpkins roll, it was the new fun game to play.

Cam picked out his little pumpkin, but I’m not sure how we’ll be able to carve it…

but I really like the warty ones…

so we settled on something in the middle.

Our (not-so) little pumpkin had a great time.


grant’s farm!

We enjoyed some animal fun at Grant’s Farm recently with our good friends Jackson, MacKenna.

 But I had forgotten how aggressive the goats are when they want their milk. We soon retreated behind the fence, and even then they were a bit intimidating.

MacKenna was very good at giving directions, while Jackson enjoyed observing the animals.

And Cam wanted to be everywhere and on everything.

Break time included Daddy’s favorite – snow cones!

Cam started with Daddy’s orange, and moved onto Mommy’s cherry.


Eating cherry snow cones is an easy way to do a Joker impression. “Why so serious?”

Right before we left, we found the horse named after me! So honored.

(Yes, I enjoyed my snow cone too.)


enjoying fall while it lasts

We spent time at Gram and Pawpaw’s this weekend and enjoyed some time outside. My brother and his family joined us there too, so there was a lot of Cam and Noah time. They really enjoy each others company now, especially showing one another what they can do.

Like chasing grandparents around with ornamental grass stalks.

Or teaching the youngest how to walk.